2012 is totally dedicated to I, Me, Myself.
Surprisingly, I think after a long long wait..even the gods above agree with me for a change.....Proof.....
Was able to work from home for 3 weeks....heheheh it's another matter that the work was hectic but the main issue of staying at home was solved. Yep......grin.....
All happies....
Mom Happy
Dad Happy....
Nenu bi Happy... LoL
Out of that 3 weeks, one week was totally at paternal grandfather's village....(Grinning widely) after frigging two years.....It was legen..wait for it....dary.....
I can say that slowly but surely my 30 new places to visit before I turn 30 is decreasing cause I got to visit Papi Kondalu....On a boat...The trip was awesome, even more pleasurable as I went with many near & dear.
The twists and turns of the river were totally awesome and it's beauty cannot be put into words....There are something's in this world which cannot be put into words but have to be experienced. This trip was totally one of them.
There is something about my village & Godavari(river)...
It is like a magnet pulling me always. God only knows.....what's with me and my love for this amazing river.....
I Love her when she is full in Rainy season.....
I love her even when she is barely alive with a thin trickle at the height's of summer.
My schedule for my stay in village.....
1) Wakey Wakey @ 6 AM would you believe that without Alarm...Amazin rite.....Me awake even before the sun is awake.....
2) Pick my Camera...and my feet automatically find their way to her(Who else...Godavari of course.)
3) Every view is a beauty....which I want to capture in my lousy Point & Shoot Sony Camera.(Wait for another year for my SLR.)
4) But amazingly every shot was a beauty as if she obliged me to capture her beauty to the bare essential.
5) Return Home for Breakfast and will away the time.
6) By the time the clocking was showing 3:30 to 4 PM I was away on an another expedition to cherish the beauty.
The view at night to see the stars meet the river was as if they were exchanging sweet nothings to each other......Damn I should have been a travel writer.....Not an IT professional.
GOD gimme a bank balance of 1 Crore, I will go back to my village and live of the interest. I need nothing more for this life. hehehehehhe
This trip of 5 days has given me the strength to brave the cold & frigid waters of Kolkata for another 6 months easily.
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