Monday, February 27, 2012

Confusion: Confusion...True Story..

I won't write that my hiatus is finished coz..
I am churning out posts after posts this year...And will try to continue to do so.

Last year was a different case....
I had different motives...
I had different plan of action....
But this's all about me...
It's always about me.....wasn't it....

It has always been ...and will continue to do the same......

As always ...there are only two people whom I am accountable to ...other than me...Mom & Pop's.....It will be the same for as long as I live.

This year got a free pass for freedom......
U Know what...Rite...U Don't Know.??..I pass on this explanation....
But it came at a cost....Some other time, Some other post...

This year's main theme has been confusion.......

Whenever I want to make a decision...I M in two minds....
I don't know...what's wrong with me...This never happened to me before.

I was very clear with what I wanted...Period...
I never doubted myself, my ideas, my thoughts........No second guesses.....
No wavering thoughts....No decisions overturned....

Unfortunately the same cannot be said about this year...not only this year the last 4 months of 2011 as well...
Why is this happening with me?

Now everything is a duality in my life.....

Light ...Dark

Is there any particular reason why is this happening to me now?
When I am at the brink of achieving perfection...I am failing.......
I am not second guessing my abilities...I am second guessing my decisions....

I will survive....
I am going to make it through...
Just gimme time...I will get over this........Come On.......Mav...